
Wine Tours | Designated Driver Napa Sonoma - Part 2

The rains have come and gone … for now.

By | Wine tour

It’s a sumptuous green velvet turf all throughout the hills and valleys of this beautiful land of Northern California. Here in Marin County our reservoirs are full and they say will hold us for only two years. We still need more rain folks.

On the other hand I have had a couple cancellations with wine tours and photo shoots because of the rain. Oh no!! On the bright side it has given me some time to catch up on home chores and paperwork.

The vineyards are so close to bud break, I’m thinking in the next two weeks when we get some clear and warmer weather BAM! Bud Break!! It’s so exciting this time of year to see the first buds and green leaves pop up through the grapevine shoots.

We’re here for you.  Let’s Roll!

For more information about Let’s Roll Wine Tours, you can visit our website, email or call us 415.509.3438.

Chateau Montelena drinking cab adorable couple

Celebrate Love & a 10 hr. Wine Tour

By | Wine tour

Celebrating Love
As the song goes… “Time….time is on my side, yes it is” and then there’s “my…how time flies.” Can we choose? I think it’s a matter of mindset.

We can also realize that time is an illusion and there is always enough time. Right?

Yesterday was Valentine’s Day and I thought about all the different ways I had spent time celebrating this occasion. Some a lot more memorable than others and yesterday’s was pretty low key. I went to Golden Gate Center for Spiritual Living and there was a special recommitment service honoring couples with red roses. I thought twice about going but a friend called and asked if I was going, so I did.

The single people (my group) were honored, with yellow roses, who are looking for their beloved and also those who have lost their beloveds. I think everyone got a rose by the end  including those who didn’t participate. It was lovely and heartfelt and I’m glad I went. My community is so warm and embracing and I always feel loved up when I leave.

After service, about 15 of us went to lunch and met at the Dominican College cafeteria. It was quite good and we all sat together and had a great time.

This was my day of rest after my 10 hour wine tour on Saturday. Oh my!

So let me reiterate about my wine tour. I want you to know that you are definitely cared for when you’re with me.

My group was staying at the Olea Hotel in Glenn Ellen where I picked them up at 1 pm. I had their itinerary mapped out as usual. I always do this to be organized so we don’t scissor back and forth and waste time in the car.

Ha! Throw the itinerary out the window and let’s head out and wing it and go to Kenwood, to VJB Winery. This is where we started out. It was such a beautiful day and over 70 degrees and everyone and their dog was out wine tasting. It was crowded but my group of 4 didn’t seem to mind and found their place up to the bar to wine taste.

After VJB, we drove about 7 minutes to St. Francis Winery and the group hung out there for awhile. Next, was Ledson Winery, which they really liked and were there about an hour. After Ledson Winery, we really needed to get going because we were driving over the Oakville Grade/Trinity Road which is very windy and about 27 minutes to Peju Winery in Napa. They loved Peju and bought wine for dinner. The last stop which they were excited about was Prager Winery & Port Works. The ports there are amazing and not only did they buy port but became members as well. It’s nice when the owners are pouring and talking about the history of their winery.

Napkins Restaurant ended up being the choice for dinner since no reservations were made. Plus it being Valentine’s Day was a challenge to get into any restaurant. (Really I’m usually on this and have it all planned out) LOL! I joined them for dinner and they made me feel so comfortable and we laughed and told stories that I’m sworn to secrecy not to divulge anything said that night. It was a fun time and had them back to their hotel by 11pm.

Let’s Roll Wine Tours goes the extra mile and the extra hour to make your trip memorable and a lot of laughs and fun.

For more information about Let’s Roll Wine Tours, you can visit our website, email or call us 415.509.3438.